Please say they F'ed up the test (or the French are bitter over another American victory and polluted the sample):
Floyd Tests Positive
Still holding out hope...
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blog. Putting the wackiness back in Wrong Way. Let the hijinks ensue...
At 7/27/2006, said…
At 7/27/2006,
Anonymous said…
Stage 17? Hmmmm. Isn't that the one where Floyd yanked back all that time he lost the day before? The one, when crossing the finish line, he punched the air with a "rage" look on his face?
At 7/27/2006,
ginmtb said…
But he told his mom he's clean. Who lies to their mom?
Man someone tell me this is just some conspiracy and that everything will be all good. Puh-leeze!
At 7/27/2006,
ginmtb said…
Heard an interesting comment from a legal analyst on the radio talking about Floyd. He indicated that there have been cyclists in the past who have had high testosterone levels naturally and then proved that is why the result tested as it did. I hope that is the case here.
The other comment he made that was interesting was that Floyd didn't have a foreign substance in his body, but something that already is in his body (just at higher levels). Makes this case a little more grey...
At 7/27/2006,
maleonardphi said…
I really hope it isn't true, or he proves its natural. But I pulled this from one of the many articles on the web: "Under World Anti-Doping Agency regulations, a ratio of testosterone to epitestosterone greater than 4:1 is considered a positive result and subject to investigation."
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