TWW Blog

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blog. Putting the wackiness back in Wrong Way. Let the hijinks ensue...

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Where's McCrakkin when you need him?

Okay, so I'm getting my costume ready for the Costume Cross race this Sunday. Very simple, just my Sea Otter sombrero with an extra added flair. But the wife is concerned that it is not PC. Not PC?!!! Give me a break. You know what I'm most concerned with the costume? That damn serape getting caught up in the wheels and me taking a nice header. Oh and that it will probably be really hot and I'll be wearing a polyester sauna.

Jeez, PC... Come on now... I don't think it is crossing over the line. Not like the classic Bugs Bunny cartoon "Bugs Nips the Nips" (did you see the buck teeth on the Japanese character?). So hopefully I don't offend anyone with my costume. I mean really, isn't that whole birthday singing and getting a sombrero at Chevy's the truly offensive part? Of course, mix in a few margartas and just about anything is tolerable...


  • At 10/27/2006, Blogger PAB(a.k.a.CID) said…

    oh man, we were at chevy's recently and i swear, in the span of about twenty minutes, we had to listen to four of those silly birthday thingies.

    i'll try to remember that you weren't involved...

  • At 10/27/2006, Blogger X Bunny said…

    we at velo bella are very concerned about pc-ness and ask that you comply with all standards of decent society during all our events

  • At 10/27/2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Just go with the routine High School style jock strap and helmet. If you get out in front at the very start only the daring will try and catch you. Although another guy seems to do that every year, so you may not be alone.

  • At 10/27/2006, Blogger ginmtb said…

    How about the jock strap with the cup in place too? Might not be as comfortable on the bike but would provide some protection if one were to fall "head" first at the barriers.

  • At 10/28/2006, Blogger Lilly Bella said…

    I know you can make your strappie out of a tamale corn husk and coordinate with the sombrero! Now that would be PC. Pretty Creative...that is what you meant by pc right?

  • At 10/30/2006, Blogger xcslowpoke said…

    Laughed me arse of with Bug's nips Nips. Oh how far we've come. Was watching Charlie Brown's Great Pumpkin thingy with Lauren and I was offended when they kept calling one of the kids STUPID. How things have changed.

  • At 10/30/2006, Blogger xcslowpoke said…

    Funny thing on the east coast, everyone keeps asking me what I am? In CA different people would get mad when someone couldn't tell the difference between Asian groups. Then that same person would turned to me when I asked, why are you mad. Oh you wouldn't get it because your a white guy. Yeah like all white people come from that famous county Whitemanland. How PC? Everyone needs to relax and laugh at themselves every once in awhile, okay all the time.

    Besides, Chevy's is about as Mexican as I am.

    Am I PC yet?


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