TWW Blog

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blog. Putting the wackiness back in Wrong Way. Let the hijinks ensue...

Friday, August 31, 2007

Get ready to spurtle your drink Sabine

I think it has been awhile since I've posted something on here that ruined a keyboard. This should do the trick.

Was out of the blog world when you two got hurt so sorry I didn't post anything worthy earlier.


  • At 8/31/2007, Blogger Velo Bella said…

    You're right...I spurtled. The smile of PAB's face while he was dancing was killing me!!

  • At 8/31/2007, Blogger Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said…

    okay, is it just me? I just see a little gray box -- no spurtling happening at my desk. maybe because I'm on a mac? or is it a private, only-for-Sabine, password protected spurtle opportunity?

  • At 8/31/2007, Blogger ginmtb said…

    It must be you - or perhaps you don't have the latest version of flash maybe?

  • At 8/31/2007, Blogger X Bunny said…

    nice booty!

    however, you have apparently never seen pabcid dance


  • At 8/31/2007, Blogger L. Christmas said…

    oy! great facial expressions!

  • At 9/01/2007, Blogger Ippoc Amic said…

    OV said to check this out, and I am so glad that I did!

  • At 9/01/2007, Blogger marscat said…

    oh that's cute.

  • At 9/03/2007, Blogger PAB(a.k.a.CID) said…


    I simply cannot wait to see you....mybe at the Halloween race... show my proper appreciation!

  • At 9/04/2007, Blogger said…


  • At 9/05/2007, Blogger X Bunny said…

    it's a good thing you didn't post this earlier cuz it woulda hurt too much for the boys to laugh that hard!


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