Highlights from SDF Ride (1/8)
The SDF ride was great - big turnout - thanks Mo for putting it together. I was disappointed that one of the Secret Bellas wasn't you know who, because I took a lot of time putting my flair together. Oh well.
Here are some quick highlights:
Best Quote - "I'm so old I don't even buy green bananas since I may not get a chance to eat them." - Ken Jeffery
- 2nd place - "You're Photo John? Do you remember me? You took that picture of me at Sea Otter. - Mo
Best Nickname - Chris "Credit Card" Machon. Meaning = the only thing you could slip under his tires during a jump.
Best Moment - again, Chris was involved. We were climbing the steep, technical climb. Some made it, most didn't. Chris was looking good. I pulled over, cheered him on, and then proceeded to push him over and say, "Awwww, too bad. You were looking good too." The only bummer about was that Frankie wasn't ready with his camera to capture that Kodak moment. Yes, it was cold... but if you can't have some fun...
Best Big Air - Scott Schlachter dropping off the big log. Nicely done!
- 2nd place - goes to John Hillstrom for airing that jump while following the DH guys. Probably unintentional but still nice nonetheless.
And lastly, not having to ride up to the top again and down to Nisene. Hopefully the folks that did are home by now.
Good times. Hopefully photos will follow since there were a few cameras out there (including Photo John).
At 1/09/2006,
Velo Bella said…
PJ was there? Well I hope you gave him a kiss for me.
Who was the secret bella?
At 1/09/2006,
ginmtb said…
I think Julie was one and the other was... was... ahh, crud, I can't remember. Tiny, brunette, fast. Actually, both were fast and passed me like I was standing still on the grind out from the bottom of Saw Pit (of course, that isn't saying much). What was up with the lack of flair? Disappointing. I think they need to go back to the VB Academy as they clearly were asleep in the Introduction to Flair 101 class...
At 1/09/2006,
Velo Bella said…
I like the green banana quote by the way
aw man, now I goota do the stupid word verification thingie just to post this. ugh
At 1/09/2006,
ginmtb said…
I could turn that off, but I'm waiting for it to give me the winning lotto numbers... or some subliminal message. Although figuring out the acronym for NDLJC could be tough... or BVVLCMQP
At 1/09/2006,
ginmtb said…
Hey, I haven't even seen shots of my flair... it did cause a freaky neck cramp trying to get below that low branch. Sorry to the Bella in front of me for all my whining when that happened, but (in whiney Mo voice) it hurrrrrrt so much ow!
At 1/09/2006,
maleonardphi said…
where are all the pictures from this weekend, damnit!
At 1/09/2006,
ginmtb said…
I think I can explain why photos haven't been shared just yet. Let's think of who had the cameras:
1) Isaias - he is too busy massaging Mo to help her "recover" from "the wall."
2) Frank - probably is still hurtin' too since he did the extended mix ride and he's been on the Jan Ullrich offseason training program.
3) Photo John - still trying to track down riders to see if he can make money giving them rides back to the car.
At 1/09/2006,
maleonardphi said…
Isaias isn't too much of a slacker
At 1/09/2006,
ginmtb said…
Crud, can't see them here at work since I can't access photo sites like Yahoo and pbase. Oh well, guess I have to wait until I get home.
Now get back to massaging Isaias - what are you? A fool?
At 1/09/2006,
MoJito said…
secret bellas were Kathleen Bortolussi and Erin Kassoy. I brought them along just to show the boys how it's done. And Gin... you didn't even do the wall, so how the hell do you know whether or not I whined about it? Ain't no whining coming out of my mouth yesterday. The only whining I heard was from you, that the ride you did (3 hours??? oooh, scary) took too long. mwah!
At 1/09/2006,
ginmtb said…
You're correct - I didn't do the wall. My 3 hour tour ended being just a bit longer with the 1 hour snooze waiting for your slow a$$es at the top and the multiple re-groups/ mechanicals, etc. Total time gone from the house? Let's see, 8:30am-almost 6pm. For a stinkin' three hour ride? Yikes.
Then, I rode home with Nick who said you whined all the way back on the climb out from Saw Pit. Sorry for throwing you under the bus Nick, but well, a man's gotta do, what a man's gotta do.
At 1/09/2006,
maleonardphi said…
Thats not fair Gin, I never heard MO whine once. Of course I only ever saw her at the regroups and on the downhill at end. Oops, wait, I do distinctly remember a "Oh man, I dropped my chain! Isaias!!!!!" 15 minutes before we got back to the car.
At 1/09/2006,
Velo Bella said…
Erin and Kathleen...haha!
Thats some serious artillery.
right on.
But I think I need to have a word with all of you re: flair and lack thereof.
At 1/09/2006,
ginmtb said…
Yah, they spanked me (and not in a good way dang it, i.e. VeloBell a Trois). Of course, they were slowin' me down through the downhill technical stuff but maybe that was part of their strateeeegeee (or maybe mine to keep the good view).
At 1/09/2006,
Velo Bella said…
well then, next time I will bring the downhill crew to make certain your castration is complete
did you wear that hat the whole ride? Cuz if you did, I take the above, and maybe even one other comment, back.
At 1/09/2006,
ginmtb said…
Of course I wore that the entire ride. It's still on my helmet as I type. I think I know what I'll be wearing at the Sea Otter. I wore it just for you my shmoopy 'cause I thought you were going to be one of the Secret Bellas. Oh and for shmoopy2 Heather since I was hoping she was Secret Bella Numero Deux.
At 1/09/2006,
Velo Bella said…
I crack up out loud when you type shmoopy.
Had I known about the sombrero (thats a hard word to spell after a glass of wine) I might have thought about riding. Or at least driving up the road and laughing at your shmoopy ass.
Nope, instead, I spent the day watching oV heckle racers and almost get into a brawl over it. Apprently "no brakey brakey" is fightin words.
At 1/09/2006,
ginmtb said…
That'd be interesting to see - a few skinny, sloping shouldered cyclists duking it out. WWE material fo' sho'.
At 1/09/2006,
ginmtb said…
Kinda sad that I out-flaired the VB's... handily too.
At 1/09/2006,
norcalcyclingnews.com said…
... and then she proceeded to drop me like a bad habit out on the bunny slopes of F-Ord.
i don't mind getting dropped by dirty chickas, but when she's laughing at you while doin' it?
... trubble.
At 1/10/2006,
ginmtb said…
The sad thing when one of the VB's passed me was that she was having a casual conversation with JohnnyH. Like they weren't even working. Bastages!!!
The other did the stone-cold-I-will-crush-you-little-boy silent pass and left me in the muck.
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