TWW Blog

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blog. Putting the wackiness back in Wrong Way. Let the hijinks ensue...

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

There are some serious diptards in this World

So I drop off my car to get some service done to it this morning. I get a ride back to my house by the office manager or whatever her position is. We start talking, she's kinda goofy. Then we pass two couples riding on tandems side by side. That's cool, they're both in the bike lane.

But diptard driver decides to make some peanut gallery remarks.

Diptard: "Oh how cute (sarcastically). I like driving close to them and honking the horn to scare them. I wouldn't hit them or anything."

Me: "Well, they are completely in the bike lane."

Diptard: "I know, but they still drive me crazy sometimes. Just about 5 years ago some crazy lady in Alamo ran directly into some cyclists and killed one." (laughs)

She continued to ramble on not knowing that I'm a cyclist kinda sorta. I probably shoulda lit into her but I don't think that would've made a difference. She's old and set in her ways and has her biases. Probably already passed it onto the next generation too. Sad how biases, prejudices, etc. are passed on. We're not born with them.

Plus I didn't want my car all of a sudden to need thousands of dollars in repairs...


  • At 4/04/2007, Blogger L. Christmas said…

    Inside voice: F that b@#tch!!

    Outside voice: Bummer.

  • At 4/04/2007, Blogger Velo Bella said…

    Inside voice: you are a diptard

    Outside voice: you are a diptard

  • At 4/04/2007, Blogger maleonardphi said…

    "Just about 5 years ago some crazy lady in Alamo ran directly into some cyclists and killed one."

    I like that, "one", as if the cyclist wasn't a person, but just an obtacle on the road like a pothole.

  • At 4/04/2007, Blogger L. Christmas said…

    Mike.. where do you get service done?

    (hold that answer til your car gets fixed)

  • At 4/04/2007, Blogger BeliVelo said…

    You are a wuss for not saying something! Turn in your bicycle in shame!

  • At 4/04/2007, Blogger ginmtb said…

    Gladly turn in my road bike as long as I get to keep my MTB.

    I know, woulda, shoulda, coulda. I'm a Costanza...

  • At 4/04/2007, Blogger Sweet Cheeks said…

    Why, I oughta'!!!

  • At 4/05/2007, Blogger BeliVelo said…

    No you have to give up the bike you love the most. Better to have loved and lost then not to have loved at all!


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