TWW Blog

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blog. Putting the wackiness back in Wrong Way. Let the hijinks ensue...

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

So much for this thing being dead...

Well, no guarantees on how much more content there will be. But I did come across an old video I did a long ways back. It isn't the most flattering video, but I'm sure Kirsten would be fine with it... :)


  • At 7/02/2008, Blogger Velo Bella said…

    cool, I will bookmark this link next time any TWWer wonders why there aren't more women on their team.

    (revised cuz I didn't want to offend Kathleen)

  • At 7/02/2008, Blogger ginmtb said…

    Her mounting technique clearly needs practice. The fall was priceless. Is there something else offensive here other than her technique?

  • At 7/02/2008, Blogger L. Christmas said…

    I find it hard to believe anything ever offended Kristen.

  • At 7/02/2008, Blogger ginmtb said…

    Thank you L.

  • At 7/10/2008, Blogger maleonardphi said…

    Just saw this. What cracks me up is that she is riding a $4000 Moots bike, in jean shorts and a tank top. Doesn't seem like the two go together. Man, the 80s look like they were fun for TWW.

  • At 7/24/2008, Blogger MtnBikerDan said…

    truly priceless or is that tasteless....


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