So much for this thing being dead...
Well, no guarantees on how much more content there will be. But I did come across an old video I did a long ways back. It isn't the most flattering video, but I'm sure Kirsten would be fine with it... :)
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blog. Putting the wackiness back in Wrong Way. Let the hijinks ensue...
At 7/02/2008,
Velo Bella said…
cool, I will bookmark this link next time any TWWer wonders why there aren't more women on their team.
(revised cuz I didn't want to offend Kathleen)
At 7/02/2008,
ginmtb said…
Her mounting technique clearly needs practice. The fall was priceless. Is there something else offensive here other than her technique?
At 7/02/2008,
L. Christmas said…
I find it hard to believe anything ever offended Kristen.
At 7/02/2008,
ginmtb said…
Thank you L.
At 7/10/2008,
maleonardphi said…
Just saw this. What cracks me up is that she is riding a $4000 Moots bike, in jean shorts and a tank top. Doesn't seem like the two go together. Man, the 80s look like they were fun for TWW.
At 7/24/2008,
MtnBikerDan said…
truly priceless or is that tasteless....
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