TWW Blog

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blog. Putting the wackiness back in Wrong Way. Let the hijinks ensue...

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Are you really that important?

Besides, it sounds like you're talking in a cave or wind tunnel. And your stallmates don't have a mute button you know. Brrappp. Ffffffffff. Hey, what were those strange noises? No Cone of Silence here. And worst case scenario - phone droppage. Not even going to go there about cakes and biscuits.


  • At 1/12/2006, Blogger X Bunny said…

    please tell me that is a posed shot

  • At 1/12/2006, Blogger ginmtb said…

    Found on the net. But was talking to a guy who works for me and he was in the bathroom. Do I hear an echo... echo... echo...

    Haven heard waaaaaaaaaaay too many phone conversations in the restroom.

  • At 1/12/2006, Blogger bikenband said…

    Yea, that's bad, but what irritates me most is when guys try to have a face to face conversation, (or any type of conversation for that matter) with you while you're taking care of business at the urinal. Dude, I don't even want you breathing in my direction while I'm draining my best friend.


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